Our Deepest Condolences
Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
The diocese of Scotland, Ireland, North East of England and affiliated regions from clergy, deacons and congregations offer condolences to the Royal family, the United Kingdom and the commonwealth subjects and the world at large
We all pray to the lord to repose her soul in peace remembering her good deeds to the nation and the world at large
Wishing His Majesty King Charles III all the best wishes to follow in the good steps and follow the good path of her majesty which she established over decades
Rest in peace your majesty
Bishop Antony
Bishop of Scotland, Ireland, North East of England and affiliated regions
Fr. Dawood Lami Meeting HG Bishop Antony
Friday Mass, the Conclusion of the Fast
Tribute to Prince Philip 1921-2021
Abouna Angelous and the congregation of St Michael and St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church Margate extend their deepest condolences to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and her family on the death of her husband and the family patriarch, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke dedicated his adult life to supporting and sustaining her Majesty in her life role as Queen and in so doing also gave support and leadership to many organisations within the United Kingdom and the greater Commonwealth over decades of public service. He was particularly interested in the youth within the Commonwealth and initiated the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in the 1950s whose sole aim is to develop and maximise the potential of all young irrespective of background.
After a life of dedication and service may the Duke now rest in eternal peace with all the Angels and Saints.
The second Sunday of Kiahk
On the second Sunday of Koyahk, we read the chapter about the good news delivered by the Angel to the Virgin Mary about the birth of the Lord JESUS. As we read the chapters of the Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist, after 6 months the Arch Angel Gabriel came to preach the Virgin Mary the greatest good news that mankind has heard since the creation of our first parents, which is the good news of the birth of the Saviour. Something that the LORD has prepared for a thousand years, and many prophecies have been made about it since Isaiah’s prophecy “Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” And also the prophet Isaiah said, “Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?”
Heavens to the Jews are three. The sky of birds and then the sky that contains the stars and planets, and the third sky, which is Paradise, a place for the righteous to wait. And we know in Christianity the heaven of the heavens, where the throne of GOD is surrounded by the angels and the ring of heaven and the Heaven of the heavens is the home of the righteous after the glorious resurrection.
Inherit Eternal Life
The Gospel of today in the Liturgy from St. Mark when the rich young man came to the LORD JESUS and asked HIM “Mar 10:17 Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” HE told him that when you put the word in your heart the seed will yield fruit; the young man asked what the commandments are? The word of GOD is the seed of life when you put it in your heart it yields in you the fruits of the Eternal life, HE said to him don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, honour your father and mother……..the young man said that all these I have kept since my childhood, and this is exactly our situation. We attend the Church, listen to the word of GOD in the Church and at home and keeping it, the same as the young man, but this young man still felt that he is far from the Kingdom of GOD and this is why he came to ask the LORD what to do. I listen to the word of GOD and keeping it, so the seed is there in my heart, but I can’t feel the
The Nativity Fast 2020
Parable of the Farmer