The story tells us that The Jews were celebrating a great feast that day and the LORD JESUS was teaching in the Temple and as HE was walking out of the Temple He saw a man who was born blind
The LORD JESUS stood by the borne blind man and said “John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” To give proof for that HE spat on the ground and made clay, put the clay on the eyes of the blind man, and said to him, “Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam.” So he went off and washed, and returned able to see.
Today we celebrate Baptismal Sunday, on this day in the early church, baptize the catechumens who are ready for baptism before the Great Week of the Passion to join the Church and participate in the week of the Passion and the Feast of Easter.
You might say thank God I was baptized and became a son of the Lord or a daughter of the Lord and the light entered me. But hear our teacher St Paul the Apostle tell you what.
Walk in? …CHRIST JESUS…. Walk in the light…. Walk as children of GOD. Baptism is the beginning – this is the beginning – in baptism remain the son of light, do not turn back, and throw yourself into the darkness. Never again walk in the dark
Today is a feast. We call it the Sunday of light, May God grant us the heavenly light, so that we may live as children of light, and not as children of darkness.
Today, the Church celebrates the fifty-sixth anniversary of the Transfiguration of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the domes of her church in the Zaytoun area.
The appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Zaytun area (as narrated by the departed Bishop Athanasius).
News spread to everyone that the Virgin Mary appeared on the domes of the church in Zaytoun, and the media wrote at that time between supporters and opponents, between believers and sceptics, that the Virgin Mary appeared in Zaytoun. Until His Holiness Pope Cyril formed a committee headed by Bishop Athanasius (Bishop of Beni Suef at the time), His Eminence mentioned to me that he went from Beni Suef to the Church of the Virgin Mary in Al-Zaytoun on the evening of April 10, 1968. In the car, the escorts began asking Bishop Athanasius some questions, but he refused to speak to anyone and asked the escort to remain silent and pray.
His Eminence continued his speech, saying: I started my prayers and said to our lady, I am sent by His Holiness the Pope, and the whole world is waiting for a report issued by the Church. Please, if I only see Specters of light, I will tell the Pope that I did not see You, and if I see You for a simple or incomplete moment on the dome, I will also say that I did not see You, and if I see flocks of doves appearing without… Seeing you completely, I will also say that I did not see You, so I am required to see You completely and for a long period until I verify the appearance and write a report to His Holiness the Pope. We all arrived at the Church of the Virgin Mary in Zaytoun at about eleven o’clock in the evening on April 10, and I chose a place where I could see the entire dome. After a short while, I saw unusual lights hitting the dome, and the people were cheering with joy, but I told the Virgin Mary that this was not our agreement, and after a while I saw bright doves, and the people rejoiced with joy, so I said to the Virgin Mary also, “This was not our agreement. I must see fully and verify this.” The spiritual phenomena continued until two-thirty in the morning on April 10, until She appeared in her full form on the dome, and she was in the position of giving a blessing to the people. Appearance. But for the sake of honesty, I asked to climb to the dome, and I actually climbed the dome and almost grabbed Her feet, but I felt a great earthquake, and I screamed in a loud voice. I witnessed you, O Virgin Lady, and all the people rejoiced with joy, and this heavenly scene continued until half past five in the morning, until everyone was sure, me the first of them. I mean, this is a real, complete apparition of the Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD. Everyone was blessed by it, and after the apparition ended, I went to one of the artists and specialists in drawing and described to him with great detail what I had seen, and indeed the picture of the apparition was drawn as I saw it for nearly two hours or more. I went to His Holiness Pope Cyril VI and told him what I had seen, with a detailed description and with the picture that this artist had drawn. Hence, His Holiness the Pope issued a statement confirming the appearance of the Virgin Mary on the domes of Her church the Zaytoun, and attached to the statement a picture of the apparition that was written below (as seen by His Eminence Bishop Athanasius, Metropolitan of Beni Suef).
Bishop Athanasius kept publishing this picture behind the books he was writing, whether in interpretation or otherwise. He also kept celebrating this appearance with a special celebration on the tenth of April, and he used to tell this story to his participants in this celebration.
The blessing of the Virgin Mary will be with us all on the anniversary of her appearance, and may God rest the soul of our father Bishop Athanasius, who undoubtedly enjoys living with the saints in the paradise of bliss, headed by the most pure and perfect Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD. Good News.
تحتفل الكنيسة اليوم بعيد البشارة ويأتى عيد البشارة كل عام يوم 29 برمهات ، بينه وبين عيد الميلاد تسعة أشهر هى فترة الحبل المقدس بالسيد المسيح . بهذا يكون عيد البشارة هو اول الأعياد السيدية من حيث ترتيب أحداث التجسد فلولا البشارة وحلول السيد المسيح فى بطن العذراء ما كانت بقية الأعياد ، لذلك الآباء يسمونه أصل الأعياد .
فى هذل العيد نذكر بشارة الملاك جبرائيل للسيدة العذراء بانها ستحبل وتلد ابناً وتسميه يسوع ، فالله يستأذن من السيدة العذراء أن يحل فيها ويأخذ منها ناسوتاً وهى صنع يديه، ان الله يحترم حريتنا وارادتنا الشخصية حتى وهو يهبنا أعظم النعم
شفاعة امنا العذراء تكون معنا آمين
Feast of the Annunciation
Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation, and the Feast of the Annunciation comes every year on the 29th of Bramhat, with nine months between it and Christmas, which is the period of the Holy Conception of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thus, the Feast of the Annunciation is the first of the Lord’s feasts in terms of the order of the events of the incarnation. If it were not for the Annunciation and the dwelling of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the womb of the Virgin, the rest of the feasts would not have occurred. That is why the fathers call it the origin of the feasts.
On this Feast, we remember the good news of the Arch Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to a son and name him. GOD almighty asks permission from the Virgin Mary to dwell in her and take from her humanity when she is the creation of HIS hands. GOD respects our freedom and our will even as HE grants us the greatest blessings.
The intercession of our Virgin Mother is with us, Amen.
On the second Sunday of Koyahk, we read the chapter about the good news delivered by the Angel to the Virgin Mary about the birth of the Lord JESUS. As we read the chapters of the Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist, after 6 months the Arch Angel Gabriel came to preach the Virgin Mary the greatest good news that mankind has heard since the creation of our first parents, which is the good news of the birth of the Saviour. Something that the LORD has prepared for a thousand years, and many prophecies have been made about it since Isaiah’s prophecy “Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” And also the prophet Isaiah said, “Isa 53:1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” Read more…
Heavens to the Jews are three. The sky of birds and then the sky that contains the stars and planets, and the third sky, which is Paradise, a place for the righteous to wait. And we know in Christianity the heaven of the heavens, where the throne of GOD is surrounded by the angels and the ring of heaven and the Heaven of the heavens is the home of the righteous after the glorious resurrection. Read more…