The Nativity Fast 2020

The Nativity Fast has started on Wednesday the 25th of November for a duration of 43 days. 40 days fasted by Moses the prophet after which he received the Word of the LORD GOD almighty engraved on two stone tablets, we also fast 40 days to receive the incarnated Word of the LORD GOD almighty engraved in our hearts and not a stone tablet. The Church added for these 40 days another 3 days in remembrance of the three days fasted by the Church in the tenth century AD so as to remember the mighty work of the LORD GOD almighty with HIS people when they endured the great temptation during the days of HH Pope Ava Abram Ben Zarah and the and the Caliph Al-Muizz for the Fatimid, who ordered the implementation of the written verse “Mat 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” … Indeed, the whole church fasted for 3 days, after which the Mokattam mountain was moved. From that day the Nativity fast became 43 days.
Each of the fasts of the Church directs us to a specific need. Nativity fasting is characterized by praise. We are all waiting for the Saviour’s coming, and this event we waited for a long time. We all know someones feeling that is expected something that needs to happen. He waits and waits for a long time and it is not there, and then Ha-Ha- Ha- Ha- it happens! So is our sense of the birth of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, very joyful.
The first promise our LORD GOD made to Adam and Eve is that “Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Adam was roughly 5,000 years before the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 5000 years mankind waits for the LORD JESUS CHRIST incarnation. 5,000 years are waiting for the seed of the woman, but HE did not come, for that when HE came, joy was in Heaven and on Earth, everyone is hilarious and everyone is excited. GOD appears in the flesh EMMANUEL is with us, GOD with us, The Savoir of the world has come, the Lamb of GOD is born, WHO takes away the sin of the world. This is our feeling, and we are looking for the coming of LORD JESUS CHRIST and HIS incarnation. The same feelings we live in every year on the same date so that we enter into the experience of thanksgiving and praise to GOD for HIS love and for HIS incarnation and for the sake of arranging salvation, and we say,
O LORD, we thank YOU – we praise YOU – we glorify YOU – we bless YOU and give YOU glory.
Every day the Church teaches us in the early Morning Prayer, and the early Morning Prayer reminds us about two events. Birth and Resurrection.
The Birth because the light shone on us. The people sitting in darkness saw a light. As the light of the sun that shines on us every morning. That is why the idea of light is present in early Morning Prayer. (O Thou, the true light that enlightens every man that comes into the world. Thou hast come into the world through Thy love for mankind. All creation has rejoiced for Thy coming. Thou hast saved our Adam from the beguiling and delivered our foremother Eve from the pangs of death. Thou hast given us the spirit of adoption, we praise Thee, and we bless Thee.)
People who say they want training in the Nativity fast; here is it the first training to pray early Morning Prayer. It is nice on the Nativity fast you pray early Morning Prayer and say this: (O Thou, the true light that enlightens every man that comes into the world. Thou hast come into the world through Thy love for mankind. We praise Thee, and we bless Thee.)
The Gospel of the Early Morning prayer tells us about the incarnation of the WORD “John 1:1-5, In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The early Morning Prayer remains always about the birth of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. For this, there is praise in the early Morning Prayer we call it Angel’s glorification (Let us sing with the angles saying: “Glory be to GOD in the highest on earth peace, goodwill towards men” We praise Thee; we serve Thee; we proclaim Thy glory, we thank Thee for Thy great glory). We are full of joy because O LORD YOU did not leave us to perish, YOU did not leave us to die eternally, YOU did not leave us as slaves for the devil and our lustful wishes, but YOU sent YOUR beloved SON our LORD JESUS CHRIST so that we may have salvation and deliverance. These are the feelings that are supposed to be in use in the period of the Nativity fast. Feelings of gratitude – feelings of praise – feelings of joy – Do I have the same feelings in fasting or not? Do I thank our LORD every day, the first thing when I wake up in the morning in early Morning Prayer for HIS incarnation and for HIS salvation? Let us review ourselves. Fasting is not just about changing the type of food, but fasting is a beautiful period in which we draw closer to LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am a Christian and wishes to be like the LORD JESUS CHRIST, The period of fasting lets us focus on CHRIST the Savoir. The loving GOD who came to save us from the death of sin, from the slavery of the devil to the resurrection and life, and to the freedom of the glory of the children of GOD . Good News.